Monday, November 8, 2010


There is this workout and diet program I just found out called CrossFit, and I've been looking into it more and the whole thing looks really cool. The whole thing is about building natural, applicable strength, as opposed to traditional body building where you just isolate a muscle group for the day. Like normally you have a day where you just wail on you biceps, but with CrossFit the lifts and exercises require the movement be carried out through your body thus synergistically strengthening your muscles. This allows for a more natural development and a strength that can more applied to real word use, because, honestly, how often in life do you run into a situation that you have to start curling something.

For this reason CrossFit is widely used by special unit police, the marines and other military outfits, and mixed martial artist. It's design is best suited for combat conditioning and developing that elite physical condition. It operates on gymnastics, olympic lifting, sprinting, and advanced calisthenics.

I've posted a video of the Fight Gone Bad workout. It was designed for a MMA fighter to stimulate the experience in the ring. At the end of it he went off and pukes and said that was like a "fight gone bad."

It's a whole lifestyle change. CrossFit advises the Paleolithic Model for Nutrition which operate under the assumption that human evolution has not caught up with modern food processing and consists primarily of green vegetables and lean meats. There are gyms that are CrossFit certified and have all that stuff you see to do the exercises, but it is also possible to tailor the workouts of the day down to fit your means.

It's kind of funny, a guy in one of my classes actually brought up in conversation that he owns his own CrossFit gym a month or so ago. I walked away not thinking much of it except how cool it was that a guy my age owned his own gym, but then like a week or two ago I go to Chicago, see my uncle, and he tells me all about CrossFit and how he's been getting into it.

CrossFit Website

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