Photo by: Independent Co. UK
Okay, to be correct the ban is not nationwide is for the Spanish region of Catalonia. The regional parliament voted on it Wednesday and already they are being taken to task by the sport's top organizers. Promoter Luiz Alvarez pledged, "We are going to launch a huge battle" against this "outrageous" action. His group Mesa del Toro, a pro-bullfighting lobbyist group, sees the ban as unconstitutional claiming that the government only has the right to regulate bullfighting not restrict it.
For most of us bullfighting is one of the defining characteristics of Spain's culture and heritage. The image of the brave matador performing as both an artist and an athlete, sweeping away his red cloth as the raging beast storms by inches from our hero has become iconic to us. The beauty of the scene has been expressed by great artist from Hemmingway to Picasso.
What should be understood is the division amongst Spain's culture. Catalonia has for some time now been threatening its succession from the state. The region is really its our culture on to itself with its distinctive painters and poets. However, under the dictatorial regime of Franco, culture differences were surppressed and bullfighting was promoted as the national sport (bloodsport) of a unified Spain.
I just really hope this doesn't gain such a momentum that they ban the Running of the Bulls. I really want to do that. I get it PETA, but that looks like too much fun.
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