Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lombardi - The Musical

Most people who hear the idea of making the legacy of Vince Lombardi, football coaching god, into a Broadway play would think of it as being about as likely a blend as oil and water. But a lot of football fanatics, sport historians, and even former members of the 1966 Green Bay Packers, winners of the first Super Bowl, coached by Lombardi are calling it excellent. Guys who have to be pulled to their own kids' recitals are planning trips to New York all around seeing this show.

Lombardi the Musical

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Obama on the Daily Show

This was really cool. If you didn't get a chance to watch it, they will be replaying during it the day but there also is a link below.

Both just demonstrate a good understanding of how an intelligent conversation is supposed to go, and it wasn't because Stewart took it easy on the President. He called him out on a lot of the disappoint people having been experiencing with this presidency, but the President handled it all very affably.

You see so many people come on TV these days just ranting like a crazy persons; getting all flustered and nonsensical when faced with the possiblity of intelligent conversation and they are unable to come up with a proper response without getting all red in the face and shouting. Even politicians - well especially politicians what with the freakshows that are popping up for candidacy these days - usually have trouble with this. Is it really that to listen to another person, and, then, having given proper consideration and forethought, offer a response that is both relative and tactful.

Daily Show - Obama

Sunday, October 24, 2010

World Series

This is a real dark horse combination this year heading to the World Series. The Texas Rangers will be going up against the San Francisco Giants starting this Wednesday at AT&T Park.

What is really unique about this is Giants have never won since moving to San Francisco, and the Rangers have just never won a series, period. This is the Rangers first Pennant in fact. So its a series of firsts either way to be sure.

The story of the Rangers is pretty great. They beat the titanic NY Yankees powerhouse (who have had far more than their share of World Series titles to say enough), but not only do they beat them, the Rangers freakin' trounced the Yankees. Four games to two, Texas finished up the final game 6-1. What is more the final out that rapped up the 9th and clinched the League Championship for Texas was against Alex Rodriguez. This was a sweet revenge for Texas fans who were devastated when Rodriguez left the Rangers in 2004 to trade up for the big money Yankees.

New Vibram Shoes!

I got them! And they are AWESOME! I got the KSO brand as you can see above. These are meant to be the most versatile of the vibram brands. These things can be use for running, trekking, rock climbing, exercise, calisthenics. Pretty much the only thing they are not recommended for are water sports, but I don't think it would be that big of a deal. There is a specific vibram brand that is designed purposefully for water sports that is thermally insulated, but I think that is the only advantage.

It feels amazing to run in these things. It is exactly like running barefoot but with none of the sharps pains of the random acorn shell or tiny rock. It gives you're calves a heck of workout that I wasn't getting with traditional running shoes.

I just like wearing these things around the house, too. I'd love it if these things became more widely accepted. I get some funny looks and questions asked when I just wear them out and about. I think the black is pretty stylish and conservative though. I'd like to see the day wear I could wear these with a suit to work some day.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gym Etiquette

The gym is unique in that it's this intense bee hive of activity with a ton of people moving all around, back and forth, and almost no one is talking. Everyone has their little iPod ear buds in they are like "in the Zone, chief" or whatever and just totally concentrating on what they are doing. As a result, there becomes a tremendous amount of nonverbal communication that takes place. Etiquette and gym behavior is extremely important, because the way you handle yourself there speaks volumes to everyone else using the facilities.

1. Always remember: You belong in the gym. No matter gender, age, physical condition always be confident in your presence there. This is often an issue with people looking to get back into shape. They quit, because they become come to a new environment and feel awkward in having to figure out all of the new equipment and intimidated by everyone else moving with such purpose and no sound. Have no worries with this. There is nothing wrong with investigating a machine. Take a full analysis before using it, so when you do you have established a mental ownership of the equipment.

That being said. The gym is a community, not a one rooster chicken coop. And, while you should move with confidence and purpose, you must still be conscious of your fellow gym members and respectful of there needs.

2. Space. This can be difficult, because, after while a with all of the lift and swinging and pushing of objects, the whole scene just becomes one big cluster-cuss of activity. Try your best to consolidate you exercise into one, minimal local. Keep all of your accessories in this space: exercise sheet, bottle, dumbbells, etc. This is your territory. Others ought to conscious of your designation of space, just as you must be very conscious of others'. Even if a person is at rest, try to anticipate the range of motion the exercise will require. Do not set up in between a person and the mirror in a way that blocks his line of sight. Often people use direct eye contact with their reflection as a means of concentration. Interferring with this can be terribling obnoxious.

3. Pick up. As mentioned, accessories are used to mark territory. When you leave dumbbells by a bench or plates on a barbell you are signalling that you are still using these things. If you are finished using these things, immediately put them away as they are meant to be put away. Otherwise you piss several of your fellow gym members off who have been held up waiting for weights or benchs to free up only to find they have long sense been out of use. Miscommunication is extremely aggravating. Also make sure dumbbells are placed back in their proper order and plates are placed on their proper peg with equal quantities on either side. This ensure easy, organized use for the next user.

4. Clean. If you get up from a bench and see a sweat patch, clean it up. Honestly, that's just gross. Take 3 minutes, spray the bottle, and wipe it up.

5. Talking. Should you chose to talk, be conscious of whether someone has buds in their ear. If they do, do not become offended or even surprised when they do not react to your comments. They probably just can't hear you. Tap them on the shoulder or motion in front of their line of sight. DO NOT interrupt someone as they are amping up into the zone for the lift. This can take a good 90 seconds or more and the whole process with have to be restarted if you interrupt. And of course DO NOT interrupt someone while they are lifting. There is a big heavy object above their head, and you want to casually chat about the Chiefs game?! Come on.

Monday, October 11, 2010

D+ Campaign

There has been a tremendous amount of controversy regarding the D+ campaign. The general consensus nation wide is that was worst possible idea the University could have come up; alumni were extraordinarly pissed; national media routinely mocked us; Creighton slapped "If we can't beat a D+ school, who can we beat." Yeah ... it stung.

But I want to speak to the defense of this misfit slogan, despite it already being dropped like a 2 ton sack of crap by the University. The original idea wasn't all that bad. The administration and all the up-'n-ups knew the risk of running a joke, and the campaign actually was planned fairly well out. If you were a upperclassmen in high school, you would receive this folder with the now infamous logo and the slogan, "A D+ school and proud of it." The student's thinking, 'What the hell? That's freakin' weird." So they look inside and there is all this really well prepared material explaining the D+ means that when you come to Drake you get more than just a education; you get an enriching experience adding substance and quality to your life and your personal development. I'm heavily paraphrasing, but yeah.

The problem happened when on the website it totes this D+ slogan, and a person from the associated press or an alumni read it with none of the explanation of the folder's material. They are stuck at the 'What the hell? That's freakin' weird' stage.

The problem I have though, is that Drake knew this would be a risky campaign; they knew they would be poking fun at themselves a bit. But as soon as people start laughing, they back down leaving people to perceive the whole move even more so as a regrettible mistake. The campaign says "D+ and proud of it," but Drake hardly went into this full heartedly. If you're going to doing something outlandish, then of course people are going to laugh at you at first. The buffoons who graduate to brilliance, are those who dismay the nay-sayers and plow forward with the confidence of and self-assurance of an entity that knows it is ultimately right and has the vision to see the end goal.

I still like it better than the fruity little song and dance routine Yale whipped out.

Price for No More Weezer

This is so totally bizarre. Apparently ther is the huge internet campaign gaining ground raising money to pay the alternative rock band Weezer to break up and never produce music again. Dedicate Weezer fans have begun to feel that their relationship with the band has developed into an "abusive" and one-sided one. Ever since the release of the band's Pinkerton album, fans in the campagin have felt that they have been again and again built up with anticipation and hype only to be hit hard with disappointment when the new album is released.

The campaign is working to raise $10 million to put an end to what they feel is the perpetuation of crap from the band they love.
The No Weezer Campaign

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bees + Apartment

There are bees in my apartment! Specifically in the sunroom, but I am completely unable to figure out how they keep getting in here. They JUST, KEEP, COMING. There is always one just ramming over and over again into the windows, so it's really not that big of a deal. I mean I haven't been stug by anyone of them. The one above (this was at night when the sun was gone) starting fly room while I was doing homework and land on my desk and freak me out.

Usually though they keep flying into the window until they die, so there becomes this pile up of dead bee bodies around the edges of the room. The whole thing is just bizarre. Again I haven't been stung and they mostly stay to the windows, but what the hell's the deal. Just have bees buzzing around your head while you're tryin to study is freakin' weird.