This was really cool. If you didn't get a chance to watch it, they will be replaying during it the day but there also is a link below.
Both just demonstrate a good understanding of how an intelligent conversation is supposed to go, and it wasn't because Stewart took it easy on the President. He called him out on a lot of the disappoint people having been experiencing with this presidency, but the President handled it all very affably.
You see so many people come on TV these days just ranting like a crazy persons; getting all flustered and nonsensical when faced with the possiblity of intelligent conversation and they are unable to come up with a proper response without getting all red in the face and shouting. Even politicians - well especially politicians what with the freakshows that are popping up for candidacy these days - usually have trouble with this. Is it really that to listen to another person, and, then, having given proper consideration and forethought, offer a response that is both relative and tactful.
Daily Show - Obama
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