This is an event I put on annually for Investment Club. I really like the line up we have this year.
"The GOLDen Age"
Spencer Johnson - FC Stone
March 28, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, Olmstead 310
In the trama of the recent recession, investors around the world ran towards gold for security. The price of gold has sky rocketed with seemingly no end. Finacial pundits acclaim its investment potential, and politicians have begun serious conversations about the gold standard. But, why gold? It has clearly become a serious asset class, but what is it that draws us so to this shiny metal?
"Money: More than Paper in your Pocket"
March 29, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, Olmstead 310
After the crash, television pundits kept saying the global supply of money had significantly decreased. But what does that mean? Did someone light a pile of dollar bills on fire? Well, no, but it does raise question about what money actually is. When we think about how often do we actual handle cash and how often are our transactions handled by the electronic exchange of theoretical numbers.
"The Road Ahead: Future of the Financial Industry"
Michael Bean - Merrill Lynch
March 30, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, Olmstead 310
Our world economy has experienced dramatic changes in the recent past years, and it has radically changed the global financial industry. With so much that has been altered in the regulation of financial institutions and the way they carry out their practice, what can we expect off in the horizon? Here we explore the what lies on the road ahead on this new journey we travel through.
"Where Did the Jobs Go?"
Robert "Skeet" Wootten - Wells Fargo Advisors
March 31, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, Meredith 235
While Wall Street seems to be making a substantial recovery and banks are seeing record profits, unemployment remains at a horrific high. Is it simply a matter of playing the waiting game, or is the reality that many of the jobs that have been lost will not be returning? Is unemployment a lagging factor of the recession, or is our society just not qualified for the jobs that are available?
"Finance Speed Networking"
Open to Finance Majors. Email james.hall@drake.edu for Signup
April 1, 10:00am - 11:30am, Aliber Hall
With the financial industry begin so large and extensive, this event allows students the opportunity to establish guiding relationships with experienced individuals in all facets of the industry, as they seek to navigate the direction of their career path.
"Money in Your Twenties"
Adam Carroll - National Financial Educators
April 1, 2:00pm - 3:30pm, Bulldog Theater
Financial independence is a goal to begin pursuing early. Those with the headstart find greater reward at the finish line. Adam Carroll, nationally recognized public speaker and author of Winning the Money Game, caps off Finance Week by offering innovative and practical strategies for students to begin right away in their pursuit of financial independence.