Thursday, March 24, 2011

Move: Win Win

Now by their own admission, this is no Vision Quest, but it looks pretty damn good. I was a 119, but I was no where near as good this kid. Watching these moves is amazing. In that level of performance, it's not about strength really, I mean it's still a factor, but with these the defining aspect is controlled momentum. When he slips under an opponent and tosses them over his shoulder, he's waited until the opponent pushes weight into him. He's using the opponent's own force against him. It's really hard to develop that heightened level of sense.

Anyway about the movie, Giamatti's life, as you can see, is swirling around the toilet bowl in mid-life turmoil, when he begins extorting money from an elder, ignorant client. The boy is the client's grandson who arrives to escape a terrible life with his druggy mother. The boy starts kick ass on the wrestling team Giamatti coaches giving him a new lease on life, which ultimately creates conflict for Giamatti in stealing from the grandfather and caring for the grandson. Kind of an old framework and I'm sure you could have picked all of that up from the trailer. One thing I would point out that is shown but not explained there is the hitting thing. Apparently the kid's amazing wrestling ability comes from having grownup in an abusive and violent homelife, and the smack on the head gets him in mode so to speak.

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