I have been putting off writing about this one partially because of midterms but also just because I'm just not sure how I feel about this one. I am fully behind the guy and what he is doing. You know he took on a situation with a good number of bad problems. We got two extremely unpopular wars with depleted military resources, intense economic devastation, dramatically rising health care costs, environmental issues and global warming. And he is guy who is actually looking for a solution to these problems and willing to consult with the top people in those fields. But he hasn't actually done anything yet. I mean yeah he's working on it yeah but hasn't quite accomplished any of those things. It's hard work and going to take some time; I'm not taking it for granted. He just hasn't done anything yet. The whole thing seems premature.
And well I guess some of the people on the Nobel Prize Committee are with me. According to an article in the Times today 5 of the committee members were noted as express some doubt in the election of Obama. Inger-Marie Ytterhorn expressed a concern that with 9 months into the presidency it was a little too early to award Obama. Agot Vale was quoted as saying that the decision would create "a debate, especially concerning the war in Afghanistan which she herself found problematic."
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