Friday, February 25, 2011

The Brix: Cupid Who?

I have to call this before they get too famous, and I'll only ever then get to see them on tv. Okay first off, the singer in this belting it out like he's Bruno Mars (except way better) is Charlie Davis (CHUCK D), a senior Biochemical, Cellular and Molecular Biology major (yeah, he's smart) right here at Drake University. FURTHERMORE, I grew up with all three of them right out of S-Town Salina, KS.


If there are any music producers that check out this blog, these are the guys you need to be signing before they ride Youtube all the way to the top Justin Beiber style and you can't even get ahold of them.

Okay I realize the chance of some big shot music producer hanging on my every word, regularly frequenting this blog, waiting to see when I post next or even them just stumbling across it on some late night Google pass through is pretty slim. BUT! Should that happen, you sir (or ma'am) should seriously get these guys a $Ga-Zillion contact and fast!


  1. Were in luck quint they will be at our house this summer.

  2. What do you mean? They're not living in my room are they?
