HAHAHA! Google this "santorum". I'll explain it later, but seriously just go google that (Except you Mom and Dad. DO NOT follow that instruction, just skip to the explaination below). Here I'll even make it easy and offer the link to the google first page Google Santorum
Okay did you google that .... HAHAHAHA! Disgusting right!?! Now this is no ordinary, unfortunate, double entendre of name like Marcus Butts, Jordan Dykes, or Jeff Faggot (those last two are actually real). What happened was conservative Senator Rick Santorum was quoted as equating gay sex to a man having sex with a dog. In retort, Dan Savage, an acclaimed California sex-columnist amongst many things and regular contributor the PRI radio series This American Life, which, on a completely unrelated plug, is the most amazing work of journalism and entertainment out there, lead a grass roots campaign amongst his listeners to create the leading internet definition of Senator Santorum to be the disgusting, crass, vile thing you saw there (Mom I know it's getting really tempting to find out what that is, but DON'T)
What is worse is Senator Santorum made the matter more public by complaining about the whole issue as his "Google Problem." Now, everyone start's wondering, 'Well what Google problem? I better Google his name to find out.' And the whole thing just perpetuates itself further.
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