Thursday, February 25, 2010
Uncle A: The Artist
It is kind of hard to see his whole process, because it's a little distant and obviously pretty fact. But it is exactly what he said - 24 chairs in 24 (nonconsecutive) hours. It's pretty damn awesome.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
That's my Uncle A, Andy Hall!!! No freakin' way!!! This is so cool!
I'm a little embarassed to say but I didn't even know that he was doing chairs. He is an artist and has a degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a teaching position there now, but chairs are more of something that I would have expected from someone with an industrial design background. It's just we don't get to see him that much, him being in Chicago and us in Salina, KS, so when we do visit we don't really make it out to the gallery space he has at the time to see he's newest works.
You do have to admit those are really cool looking chairs. I didn't know he was doing that, but seeing his work, it's pretty impressive stuff. And that space is amazing! Talk about a sweet deal. Not only is a nice setup it is a prime location with a ton of traffic. And certainly its a smart move for the owner. Keeps the people interested and positive about the neighborhood, may even stimulate traffic. Then it will attract potential clients who get to see the space as a hot and happening place that people go to.
Although the suit's kind of an idiot for phrasing the situation the way he did. "Hopefully, a couple of years from now, the program won't exist. It will run it's self out of business." Honestly? Could you sound more eager to have my Uncle out of there. It's a little something called PR, buddy, learn to handle it.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Movie: Green Zone
Here is the thing, Paul Greengrass directed The Bourne Supremacy (2nd) and The Bourne Ultimatum (3rd). Greengrass is apparently very busy or something to that effect, and Matt Damon refuses to film the 4th Bourne without Greengrass, so production for #4 probabally won't begin until 2011. However, apparently though, the Damon and Greengrass were able to find time to create this, and who's complaining.
This character is a little more boyscouttish than Jason Bourne. Bourne, while he rejected and felt guilty about his cold, murderous past, he only actively went after the antagonist goverment when they came after him. This guy seems more concerned with upholding an unwavering set of black and white values in a world of gray. This might get a little preachy and annoying, but the action ought to make up for this and then some.
Drake KofC - 30 MAN MARK!!!
Movie: Robin Hood
Now my personal, favorite version has always been the Disney cartoon one where Hood's a fox, although Mel Brooks's Men in Tights is pretty up there too. But THIS! I mean this is another freakin' awesome Ridely Scott/Russell Crowe dynamic collaboration. Those two together just cannot go wrong (except for A Good Year maybe, that was just sappy, bullshitty, crap).
This new Robin Hood is just so raw and badass. All the other ones had this fairy-tale, renaissance fair thing going on. It's not bad. There is certainly a place for it. This approach, though, is just so much more ... harsch. I don't want to say "real", because it does have that high budget hollywood feel to it (not as bad as 300 but still there). It kind of reminds me of King Arthur in 2004, but I have a feeling the action is going to be even more intense here.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Movie: Repo Men
This just looked intense. The plot is a little cliche; the most talented soliders of dominate side of a divisive battle is forced to switch sides and his lesser talented close friend(s) is(are) forced to turn on him. But at this point in our history it is hard not to repeat. All you can hope for is that it is retold in a interesting and original context, and I'm thinking this is the case here.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Movie: Cop Out
Bruce Willis WHAT HAPPENED!?!? Normally I highlight films that I really want to see, but I just have to rant about this one. Bruce Willis is not a bad actor. I mean he's no Sean Penn or Daniel Day Lewis, but he's not bad. So why in recent years has he just been cranking out these crappy films. 2009 he starred with the worlds worst toupee in Surrogates, a bizarre, over-budgeted attempt at a Blade-Runner copy. 2007 he turned Die Hard series into a joke with the absurdly unrealistic action of Live Free or Die Hard. 2006's Lucky Number Slevin was only partially good because of the amount of money spent on it and the entirely all star cast; an effect that wore off by the second time you watch it. It's just a waste.
Just poor decisions. Bruce you got to have some money somewhere. You can probably afford to pass on some of these.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Recently there has been a fad to post a facebook profile picture of a celebrity everyone says they look like, a doppelganger. While I don't just have one person that I get alot, I have several.

David Anders is probably better known for his role on Heroes as Adam Monroe, a Japanese sword master from the feudal period.

John C. McGinley or Dr. Cox from Scrubs

I get Neal Patrick Harris A LOT! Usually it is reference to Dookie Howser

Father Michael J. McGivney is the founder of Knights of Columbus. I had put his picture on a poster for Knights of Columbus and had a bunch of people asking me why I was in a priest's outfit.

If you have no idea what that is go to PurePwnage

And finally, and this is just insulting, Clay Aiken. It really only happened back when he was on American Idol and still a celebrity.
Basically, if you are a fair skinned guy with a big forehead and gingerish, blondish-brown hair, we probably look alike.

David Anders is probably better known for his role on Heroes as Adam Monroe, a Japanese sword master from the feudal period.

John C. McGinley or Dr. Cox from Scrubs

I get Neal Patrick Harris A LOT! Usually it is reference to Dookie Howser

Father Michael J. McGivney is the founder of Knights of Columbus. I had put his picture on a poster for Knights of Columbus and had a bunch of people asking me why I was in a priest's outfit.

If you have no idea what that is go to PurePwnage

And finally, and this is just insulting, Clay Aiken. It really only happened back when he was on American Idol and still a celebrity.
Basically, if you are a fair skinned guy with a big forehead and gingerish, blondish-brown hair, we probably look alike.
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