Saturday, February 20, 2010


That's my Uncle A, Andy Hall!!! No freakin' way!!! This is so cool!

I'm a little embarassed to say but I didn't even know that he was doing chairs. He is an artist and has a degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a teaching position there now, but chairs are more of something that I would have expected from someone with an industrial design background. It's just we don't get to see him that much, him being in Chicago and us in Salina, KS, so when we do visit we don't really make it out to the gallery space he has at the time to see he's newest works.

You do have to admit those are really cool looking chairs. I didn't know he was doing that, but seeing his work, it's pretty impressive stuff. And that space is amazing! Talk about a sweet deal. Not only is a nice setup it is a prime location with a ton of traffic. And certainly its a smart move for the owner. Keeps the people interested and positive about the neighborhood, may even stimulate traffic. Then it will attract potential clients who get to see the space as a hot and happening place that people go to.

Although the suit's kind of an idiot for phrasing the situation the way he did. "Hopefully, a couple of years from now, the program won't exist. It will run it's self out of business." Honestly? Could you sound more eager to have my Uncle out of there. It's a little something called PR, buddy, learn to handle it.

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