This is why I love NPR. You get bizarre little news stories like this that would totally go under the radar for any other news group.
So I was listening to All Things Considered the other day and they had this for a story. Here's what happen. Now we have all had a moment where Google maps totally screwed us with directions, and you're not sure why you got off at that exit, or why you've been told head south for the past 20 minutes when you need to be north, or WHAT THE HELL! it say's it's right there!
To Google Map's credit, it is understandable. These are computer geek, search enginee folks who have respectively mapped (and continually update as best can be) the entire earth. It's quite a remarkable feat when you consider the arduous, painstaking work geography used to be. And, in truth, despite the occasional screwup, I never leave for a trip without my Google directions.
However, a recent Google hiccup lead to an international iccedent, when the website accidently mislaid the Nicaraguan/Costa Rica border offering Nicaragua more than it initially thought it had. Operating on the belief that anything on the internet MUST be true, the Nicaraguan government proceeded to invaded the disputed area. This issue is currently being brought before the UN Security Council to handle the disput. This is why they call military intelligence an oxymoron.
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