There are those who will say that I am being cruel; who will that say I am being elitist harassing such a small town mother and America's (some of America's) newest sweetheart. But when this little lady and political pundits start having serious discussion about her being the next GOP presidential canidate, then we need to sit down and take a serious look at this the credibility of lady Palin.
The reason I'm bringing this up now is her recent comments on the Glenn Beck show gave me a brain aneurysm. You remember the scene in Billy Madison when Adam Sandler gives his answer for the contest about the poky little puppy and Principal responds: "Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it." Yeah same thing here.
Okay, so,Palin was on the show and Beck asked how she might handle the situation in North Korea. Palin responds, "This is stemming from, I think, a greater problem when we're all sitting around asking, 'Oh no, what are we going to do,' and we're not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do." Lady Palin goes on to add, "Obviously, we gotta stand with our North Korean allies."
That's not a slip of the tongue, all right. Don't defend that. Call it for what it is: the lady knows shit about foreign policy. Mrs. Palin I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
This is who folks think will be the next GOP presidential candidate? Really? REALLY? Let's serious look at this lady, and, again, I'm not doing this to be mean, but it's kind of coming to the point, unfortunately, that we are going to have to do this. This isn't American Idol folks. It actually does matter who becomes President. Like for real. It is actually kind of a big deal.
Because Tea Party die-hards would through a tissy fit and violating her private life or whatever even though she has made herself a public figure and that doesn't exist anymore, we're going to keep it classy and not even metnion how terribly, terribly dysfunctional her family home life is. So, let's just stick with how moronically she has displayed herself in her political life.
The GOP picks up this lady from Alaska in order to manipulate the female factor and steal hard-core Hilary backers away from the Democrat's tent. That's it. She's a female, kind of hot, and has political experience; nothing more. The Grand Old white guy's Party doesn't have to much to pick from to fit that criterial, so they had to take what they could get regardless of her level of intelligence or lack thereof.
Her and grand old white guy McCain lose, so instead of returning to fulfill her public service and duties as govenor to the state of Alaska she ditches everyone up there for big money working FOX, making book deals, and doing speaking tours. Don't give me that crap that it was the system and it was just too screwed up and inherently backed up for her to handle. It's Alaska, and no office but just based on how rarely Alaskan current events appear on the national circuit I can't believe it takes too much Machiavellian masterminding navigating the politics of the Last Frontier. This is not a woman who cares about this country or serving its citizens. This is a small town girl caught up in the momentum of her artificially inflated celebrity only interested in how big she can get and how much money she can make along the way.
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