Ah it was a good break. It's just good have that brief little bit of time to take you out of the grind, where you just get to sit back and enjoy loved ones. There's just tons and tons of good food. No one has seen each other for so long and so there are bunch of stories to tell and new ones to hear. Thanksgiving just has the overwhelming ease and relaxing feel to it.
Now I say that with the understanding that I sit from the position of a person who would no reason to feel otherwise. The whole production is done from the home I grew up in and I, I must confess, do very little to nothing to prepare for the grand event. The whole thing is so expertly cooridinate and masterfully orchestrated by my mother that from my seat as the lazy audience member that the whole elaborate festivities seem to go off without a hitch as if by some divine natural occurance.
No I rest of the men in my family seek out that day to go hunting, which is to say we traipse through miles and miles of alfalfa fields marching with guns in hand having only the rare occasion to fire them. Although! Although, this year we actually got to stur up some pretty good covies. We only came home with 2 quail and 1 pheasant, but part of that is do to the dogs losing a few. In the end, it's just kind of fun to be outdoors there getting to catch up with cousins and uncles and trade stories.
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