Friday, December 17, 2010

GM Thankyou Commercial

Thank you! Seriously, that's kind of all any of us really wanted. Just some acknowledgement that all of these "too-big-to-fail" companies failed and the burden fell upon us the U.S. tax payer to save their ass.

Don't play it around like you did with the last spring's commercial and pretend you it's not a big deal and you have it handled. Just say it. You royally screwed the pooched and you are heavily indebted to the American people for saving you.

Why can't we get this same acknowledgement from the banks? Instead of being all indignant and voicing some bull shit arguement about how you were owed the bailout because of how important you are to the economy and that without we would have all suffered. This is true to a good extent, but ultimately the fact still stands you failed epicly costing the rest of us dearly.

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