Thursday, January 13, 2011

Obama Addresses Tucson, AR, Memorial

I have been alive for 4 presidents. From 1990-92, George H. W. Bush was finishing up in the White House, but I was hardly conscious of such things. Then came the Clinton years, but honestly who follows politics on a comprehensive level while attending grade school. All in all things went very well during the booming Clinton 90's, and, apart from the Lewinsky scandal, there weren't any real hiccups, so what's there to stand out.

Then came Bush Jr., and he was just awful. Seriously, just everything he touched turned to shit, and this is not a petty distinction based on party affiliation. Republican, Democratic, Green Party, Anarchist doesn't matter, you cannot deny that this seriously, seriously screwed this country over with a significant detriment. There is not one thing left of his legacy that will go down in history as a good idea.

So, I cannot begin to explain what a relief it is to see a President so charismatically, articulately, and bipartisanly address the nation in a time of great tragedy. Obama is not exploiting the horror of the occasion to pass some legislation that violates our civil rights or morph it into propaganda for an unconscionable war. All he is asking is for us to be better people; to quit all the fighting and bullshit and come together for something better.

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