Crickets are actually eaten there as a kind of snack and served by vendors at sporting events like cracker jacks. Here is me about to eat one.

Here is "enjoying" it.

It's not awful. It just leaves a bunch of crispy bug flanks in your mouth the takes a while for your tongue to get out.
The primary fish there is the tilapia. I'm sure some of you have had it before in the US but probably paid around I'm told $30, where as in Uganda it's like $7. Anyway when they serve the serve the whole thing. Here's before.

And after.

Then there was this stuff call Jack Fruit. Big old thing as you can see. You cut it open with a machete and then you eat the strips the wrap around the seeds. Not bad really.

And then Frank got really excited to find America cheese puffs and just couldn't help endulging a little

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