Saturday, July 11, 2009


My favorite and most effective stress reliever has got to be a good bike ride. Alot of people run, but with running I always feel like what I'm doing is stupid after about 200 yards and just have trouble seeing the point. Plus you feel obligated to keep a steady pass while running; you wouldn't want anyone seeing you sprint for 20 yards, then go into a walk. Whereas with a bike you can just crank it out to your hearts content and then coast off your momentum.

That's the other thing - you go so fast. You can just coast down a hill at top speed and just embarass the cool air across your face and through your hair. You just sit back and soak it in. Then there comes this excitement when you move onto the flat terrain as you just pedal like crazy seeing if you can keep it up.

Sure you'll hit an uphill or slow point every now and again but it's about of the experience. It's a challenge. Man and machine working in unison as you press through the motion is strainuous and forceful yet fluid with the smooth operation of excellant mechanism.

This is also just a perfect time of year for it. The suns out for like every, so almost any time you get the feeling you can head out. I ride along the dike and on one side are all the ticky-tacky, cookie cutter houses but on the other are the wheat fields. They just cut it about a week ago so there are these open spaces of freshly trimmed crop with that rich golden orange harvest color. This is then complimented by the fair blue of the sky divided by the lush green of the tree lines that divide the fields. There's a golf course on my way back so if I'm lucky the sprinkler system will be running and I run out there real quick and get a little cool down before the groundskeeper sees me.

Come back but on some good music, take a shower, and I'm good to go man.

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