Okay so as I'm sure you know these two Asian-American lady reporters were arrested in North Korea on bullshit charges and sentenced to like 12 years of hard labor. So we got two of our own being held by that crazy midget as sort of hostages really. It is seemingly hopeless. I mean we're dealing with a nut job while military is already stretched to a breaking point what with all the action in the middle east.
Clinton flies in does some schmoozing and BOOM! girls hop on a flight home. You know for as much crap as Clinton gets for getting the quickies in the oval office, you cannot deny him that he is just an amazingly charasmatic person and outstanding speaking. The gets amounts in the 7 figure range for doing one speech. Yes he is a little permiscuous, but I got to be if you ever met him he just be the warmest most affable person you have ever met. He'd make himself your new best friend. Just amazing stuff.
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