Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Days of Class

Well just finished day one about to have day two get under way. I'm sitting outside Olmstead right now even though since don't have class until 2 this day I should be back at Ross sleep for a few more hours. Its just campus is so nice during the warm seasons. There is just an amazing amount of green grass and flowers and trees and awesome. And you really have to enjoy it while you can because it gets so cold here in the winter. It's like two different campuses. Of course all the Minnesota kids just think I'm being a pansy.

Anyway the other day wasn't anything tough it just wasn't all the engaging. I mean except for Advertising Principles (which sounds really cool actually and I think will be alot of fun) I had Statistics and Geography. Both of which, while fine subjects, I'm sorry to are not what holds my attention very well. I don't know numbers and arbitrary lines on the ground just don't do for me. Needless to say I'm going to either have to catch up on my sleep before those days or invest in some serious Red Bull.

Today I have Business Law and Marketing Intro. Business Law I guess is all dependent on what teacher you have. Unfortunately I cannot remember who I have or how to figure out who I have, so whatever just go to the firing line blind I guess. I haven't heard anything about Marketing. I don't think it should be too bad though. Ought to be a pretty good year all in all.

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