I willing to bet that, like myself, most people do not 100% agree with the views on the just one end of the political spectrum and have probably grown tired with the political parties that are out there today.
There is a new political social media site out there that I think is really cool. It is designed to unite people around the country of similar political ideologies. What you do is login and answer a series of questions to establish your political views and then the systems works to link you up.
Check it out:
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Cheech and Chong's Magic Brownie Adventure
The duo is back! And what are they up to for their new adventure? Staying regular and spreading the word! Yeah, even pot-smoking, rebellious comedians get old and have to become more conscious of the proper working of their bodily functions.
So this isn't actually a television campaign. That would be way too costly of a time spot to ultimately lead up to fiber-filled brownies. It is a campaign specifically designed to go viral on the internet; partially through things like right here. This is kind of an amazing new evolution of advertising campaigns. If you'll remember Heineken's The Entrance campaign (which did originally appear on television) where the character makes a grand entrance to a party whilst expertly greeting each unique guest in their own unique way, the spot caught fire on the internet and spurned on a number of other videos as compliments feeding the sensation; each highlighting the unique characters and their background story.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The Rum Diary is a loosely autobiographical novel by the iconic Gonzo writer, Hunter S. Thompson. Thompson is also the author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas which in 1998 Johnny Depp also starred in in the movie adaption. The running theme: lots and lots of booze and lots and lots and LOTS of drugs going hand-in-hand with a series of 1970's, Hemingway-esque adventures.
Thompson is an absolute wild man! To give you an idea of this gentleman, it is appropriate to say that Ralph Steadman was a close friend of his and that Steadman was often enlisted to illustrate Thompson's words as the two aesthetics fell so perfectly in sync.
Monday, September 19, 2011
This is thing man! And you know what why the hell not. The only person losing out on the whole deal is the cone-er in that his hand is now kind of sticky. Working at a Mc-D's is boring as hell. At least this will give folks to talk about for a half hour.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Book: The Man in the Rockefeller Suit

I finished a book! Quite feat these days (unfortunately).
This is wild one. About six years ago this all front page news, but me in my ignorance just found out about it until now. Clark Rockefeller creates a media frenzy and worldwide search when he kidnapped his young daughter. Quickly it is revealed that this fellow was no Rockefeller. What unravels is the story of how a German immigrant makes it from his native hamlet to the being recognized as a member of one of the richest most elite families in the United States.
Now I'll say I tend to romanticize the idea of the smooth talking drifter able to charm the locals and recreate reality. It's one thing to learn about it through the envisioning of Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can, but it is entirely another to see the raw realty of what such an individual must do to survive. It's quite unsettling to see how the kitchen prepares it cuisine. Yet, you are unable to look away. This story draws you in never stopping to fascinate and astonish.
Hitman 5: Absolution
I love the Hitman series. Other guys are into the high-body-count, mass-murder games, and, I mean, I'm a big fan of the GTA series and other shoot-em-up games, but at the same time I never really understood the appeal of going on some wild shooting spree killing a bunch of bystanders that had nothing to do with your objective. (By-the-by Scarface the game is good for this. Tony actually refuses to shoot someone who isn't a rival gang member and it still remains to be super high octane).
Anyway, after a round about way of getting to it, that's what I love of the Hitman games. You do it clean. Even killing one person outside of your contract will cost you money. You have to smart about your approach; strategic. In fact it is even more of a show of your talent if you don't use a gun at all, if you have get close, right up on your target, even better if you make it look like and accident.
In the last Hitman, the agency had been decimated and agent 47 (the lead character you see ripping through an army of guards here) was betrayed by his handler Dianna (the red head in the shower). However Dianna pulled a double betrayal helping 47 to fake his death so he could get close to the men who were after him. Now the man's gone rogue. It's going off!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Movie: Drive
Look at that cast!!! You got some real iconic figures in the male supporting roles: Albert Brooks taking a turn from his usual comedic path towards what looks to be a pretty well performed dramatic role, Bryan Cranson (Breaking Bad), and Ron Perlman (Sons of Anarchy). But then you see the phenomenal actresses in the female supporting roles: Christina Hendricks (Mad Men) and Carey Mulligan (An Education). While these women have had limited commercial debuts, their work has been inspiring.
Then to top it all off, you have Ryan f*king Gosling. The dude is undeniably the best young actor alive. He has a remarkable capability for assuming the most complex and enduring of characters. Nothing about his protrayals contain the melodrama and pretentious that seem to trouble so many of his peers with equally complex roles. He is unable to understand his characters, and in doing so does not over-inflate or under-deliver on them but presents them in their natural state.
Plus this movie just looks really bad ass!
Swiss Fight to Ban Powerpoint
One of the issues with third parties is they are often formed entirely around a narrow and singular cause. Not only does this make it difficult to establish appeal to the wider base, but once the party's cause is accomplished there often remains little to keep it united.
One such party in Switzerland however seems to be gaining a great deal of recognition for its unique cause. The Anti-PowerPoint Party is of course united under the cause of putting an end to PowerPoint presentations and the terrible boredom they inflict on citizens.
According to the founder, Matthias Poehm, 350 billion euros could be saved on the global scale if PowerPoint were to be eliminated. And think of it: no more will entire departments of staff be dragged into watching bullet points zip across the screen and frames come spinning towards them in a nausiating
One such party in Switzerland however seems to be gaining a great deal of recognition for its unique cause. The Anti-PowerPoint Party is of course united under the cause of putting an end to PowerPoint presentations and the terrible boredom they inflict on citizens.
According to the founder, Matthias Poehm, 350 billion euros could be saved on the global scale if PowerPoint were to be eliminated. And think of it: no more will entire departments of staff be dragged into watching bullet points zip across the screen and frames come spinning towards them in a nausiating
Movie: Money Ball
I was thinking the other day about why baseball seems to have declined from its former glory in the hearts of Americans. It is said to be the national pastime, but I think its fairly clear that football and basketball have fairly well eclipsed it. Baseball is openly mocked for being way too long and boring (that's seems to be more of a faulty change in our society towards the microwave, immediate satisfaction mind set than a fault in the game).
One thought occured to me that perhaps to some degree it may be that our generation just hasn't had an iconic baseball for us to connect with. We were all too young to connect with films like Field of Dreams (1989), Major League (1989), or For the Love of the Game (1999) and WAY too young for The Natural (1984). There were a lot of kitchie baseball movies for us with monkeys and dogs and angels, but even as a kid you can't take that seriously. Most of all of our best sports movies were either basketball or football movies.
This here though takes a turn. It looks to be very inspiring (good underdog story against all odds), and, while Jonah Hill usually dabbles in the most immature of comedy, I get the vibe he has the ability to do this role real justice.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Ad Campaign Reviews
Okay, I watch a crap-ton of T.V. I can never find anything good, but I just can't turn it off. So much of it consist of the commercial that are on. As a result I have begun putting a lot of thought into the ad campaigns that are on.
First off, this Florida Organge Juice campaign has been catching my attention, mostly because they have been promoting the hell out of it on Comedy Central. It runs in like every of their prime time commercial blocks, and every time you try to watch an episode on the website it is preceded by a Florida Orange Juice commercial with an accompanying banner ad on the side.
What does this say? Company's advertise through mediums based on the demographics they attract. The ads show traditional family figures, but seem to be targeted at man-children and pot heads. Is it how it seems to be taking suburban lifestyle in humorous stride? I mean orange juice is really good for a hang over: hydration along with much needed vitamin C.
Next, this Dairy Queen campaign really bothers me on several levels. Not only is it a completely unoriginal repeat of the style made popular by Old Spice, but the spokesman has a mustache. Spokesman are NOT supposed to have mustaches!
Yes I realize that the Old Spice spokesman has a mustache, but he's black. I also realize that that last statement sounds kind of racist, but to be honest: marketing is kind of racist. It's not bigotry, but much of its focus is on understanding and playing of the symbols and icons subconciously understood by members of society. Visual aesthetic communicates thoughts and ideas to us, and, whether you want to be all high and mighty and deny it, that includes the color of a spokesperson's skin.
A mustache goatee thing on a black guy is a common image. It connotates a masculinity and stone cold coolness. In fact on some it just blank and irregular. Think about Samuel L. Jackson with a mustache... now without a mustache. Think about Dave Chappelle with a mustache... now without a mustache. Will Smith with a mustache... now without a mustache. Now again it's now universal. Just because someone is black does not mean they should have a mustache. Bill Cosby would look extremely weird with a mustache, but again it is ultimately about the persona you are trying to communicate.
With a white guy (and to getting back to my original point), it has a completely opposite effect. It comes off as though they are hiding something, or they are unkept or not clean; creepy in some cases. In fact this bring's me to this add:
Tell that it doesn't concern you that that man with the mustache is with a bunch of kids. Just something seems wrong with the situation. But seriously when you do sales they tell you to show up clean shaven, because that's one way people will assess if they can trust you. Television personality, like the type who are career talkshow folks (Seacrest, Philbin), don't have mustaches. News anchors don't have mustaches (the time of Ron Burgandy is long gone.
Now, after that very long, off color rant, I will try to keep this one short and PC. The significance of this commercial is that it is the first new ad campaign PepsiCo was come out with for just regular Pepsi in three years. Much of its marketing budget has been focused on new lines of its healthier drinks and Gatorades. This new campaign comes at a time when Pepsi slips third in national marketshare of carbonated beverages.
First off, this Florida Organge Juice campaign has been catching my attention, mostly because they have been promoting the hell out of it on Comedy Central. It runs in like every of their prime time commercial blocks, and every time you try to watch an episode on the website it is preceded by a Florida Orange Juice commercial with an accompanying banner ad on the side.
What does this say? Company's advertise through mediums based on the demographics they attract. The ads show traditional family figures, but seem to be targeted at man-children and pot heads. Is it how it seems to be taking suburban lifestyle in humorous stride? I mean orange juice is really good for a hang over: hydration along with much needed vitamin C.
Next, this Dairy Queen campaign really bothers me on several levels. Not only is it a completely unoriginal repeat of the style made popular by Old Spice, but the spokesman has a mustache. Spokesman are NOT supposed to have mustaches!
Yes I realize that the Old Spice spokesman has a mustache, but he's black. I also realize that that last statement sounds kind of racist, but to be honest: marketing is kind of racist. It's not bigotry, but much of its focus is on understanding and playing of the symbols and icons subconciously understood by members of society. Visual aesthetic communicates thoughts and ideas to us, and, whether you want to be all high and mighty and deny it, that includes the color of a spokesperson's skin.
A mustache goatee thing on a black guy is a common image. It connotates a masculinity and stone cold coolness. In fact on some it just blank and irregular. Think about Samuel L. Jackson with a mustache... now without a mustache. Think about Dave Chappelle with a mustache... now without a mustache. Will Smith with a mustache... now without a mustache. Now again it's now universal. Just because someone is black does not mean they should have a mustache. Bill Cosby would look extremely weird with a mustache, but again it is ultimately about the persona you are trying to communicate.
With a white guy (and to getting back to my original point), it has a completely opposite effect. It comes off as though they are hiding something, or they are unkept or not clean; creepy in some cases. In fact this bring's me to this add:
Tell that it doesn't concern you that that man with the mustache is with a bunch of kids. Just something seems wrong with the situation. But seriously when you do sales they tell you to show up clean shaven, because that's one way people will assess if they can trust you. Television personality, like the type who are career talkshow folks (Seacrest, Philbin), don't have mustaches. News anchors don't have mustaches (the time of Ron Burgandy is long gone.
Now, after that very long, off color rant, I will try to keep this one short and PC. The significance of this commercial is that it is the first new ad campaign PepsiCo was come out with for just regular Pepsi in three years. Much of its marketing budget has been focused on new lines of its healthier drinks and Gatorades. This new campaign comes at a time when Pepsi slips third in national marketshare of carbonated beverages.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Arrest of Infamous Boston Mob Boss

Just after the takeout of Osama bin Laden, the FBI arrests another of their Top 10 Most Wanted. James "Whitey" Bugler was arrested yesterday at his home in Santa Monica, California, after at 16 year span of eluding authorities.
The 81-year-old Bugler once oversaw a major crime syndicate in Boston, and was the inspiration for Jack Nicholson's character in The Departed. Like in the movie, Bugler consolidated his power as an FBI informant using his connections to hand competitors and rivals over to the authorities, and was alleged to have been aided by former FBI contacts in his initial escape in January 1995.
Bugler was arrested along with his female companion Catherine Greig. The 16 year search reached on a worldwide scale including reported sightings in parts of Europe. Burgler was reported as a "sun-chancer" for his alledged preference for warm locales.
The FBI finally succeeded in locating the elusive Burgler after beginning a 30-second television spot campaign Monday that featured Greig in 14 major, southern markets on show popular with women of Greig's age. Reportedly the campaign all-in-all only cost around a mere $50,000.
Burglar had earned his position on the FBI's Top 10 Most Wanted due to his alledged connection with 19 murders. A reward was offered up of $2 million for his capture. On Thursday Burglar is scheduled to appear before court to face federal charges of the 19 murders along with conspiracy to commit murder, narcotics distribution, extortion and money laundering.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
New Cigarette Disclaimers

These are some of the new disclaimers the FDA is requiring cigarette companies to place on their packaging, and frankly I think it is bull shit.
I am not a smoker, but I am not a smoker because of my own decision. I have plenty of friends who are smokers; at parties I enjoying stepping outside occasionally to speak with the smokers, but I am not a smoker because of my own decision. So, as an individual free from bias, I would like to express that this anti-smoking has gone too far.
I personally cannot stand those pretentious a-holes who begin forcibly and loudly coughing should the slightest wiff of smoke wafted their delicate nostrils as a way of passive-aggressively voice their protest that someone might dare light a cigarette in their presence. That jerk is killing me. I have a right to be angry. REALLY!? You're 20-30 lbs. overweight with your cholesteral through the roof about to shovel a full pound, grease soaked cheeseburger into the bottomless pit you call a mouth and you're worried about a little smoke being hazardous for your health. Get over yourself.
The anti-smoking initiative has demonized smokers. They are regular working people not social deviants. They have made the most outlandish claims with the justification that discouragement of future smokers will redeem their grossly exaggerated statements. The most absurd and distasteful of their campaigns was following the 9/11 attack and claim the money spent on cigarettes was being funneled to the middle east to fund terrorism.
The issue is with the anti-smoking initiative carrying on this way they are doing exactly what they had initially begun criticizing the cigarette companies: manipulating information to brainwash the youth. Over the decades the anti-smoking initiative has succeeded in greatly restricting the abilities of cigarette companies from advertising in nearly every medium. The anti-smoking initiative had tried the hands of the cigarette companies behind their back and has now begun throwing cheap shots. These disclaims are absurd.
Ultimately of course it will prove to be unsuccessful. Some may stop smoking or be deterred, but ultimately smokings smoke with full knowledge that it is bad for their health. No matter what MTV campaigns the anti-smoking initiative runs, smoking will still be super cool. It just is. It has this nonchalant, I-don't-give-a-shit attitude. In fact, it is because smokers know that what they are doing will eventually kill them and they do it anyway, that it is cool. If anything all these adds will do is desensititize youth to the effects of smoking.
Norm Macdonald Sport Show Cancelled
This was a great show. I know this is a stupid thing to blog about, but it was and now it's been cut down in its prime. It already had established bits: What the H?; Wait, What?; Trash Talk.
This was Comedy Central's second attempt at a sports show. Last fall, Comedy Central unsuccessfully launched The Onion's Sports Dome. Apparently with Sports Show viewership had fallen below 1 million with the last few episodes. You have to start to wonder if the sports show format can work with Comdey Central's viewership. While their is some blending of demographics between ESPN and Comedy Central's viewership - they are both predominately men ages 16 to 35ish - there is a big difference between their most target viewer. ESPN you have this jockey, type-A guy probably working in corporate finance. Comedy Central you have this pot-smoking, type-B dude probably without a job at all.
Mostly I just feel bad for Norm Macdonald. This is his second failed attempt to launch a series on Comedy Central. He once had this late night variety half-hour/talk show, then Steveo from Jackass came on completely hammered and the whole thing was just this downhill train-wreck from there.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Dalls Maverick's Take It ALL!

WOW! The Dallas Mavericks are literally the dark horse that come out to beat the infamous dream team trio of the Miami Heat for the NBA finals.
Miami took the lead with the first games for wins. Then before anyone knew it the series was all tied up. Even then though it just seemed like a chance of luck; an off couple of nights for Lebron; home court advantage for Dallas; whatever. But then when it came to game 5 the results were clear: 105/95 Dallas.
This is HUGE mostly because of all of the hyped and controversy surrounding especially Lebron James but also to a good degree his teammates Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. Despite an excellent performance by the Heat, unfortunately anything short of an absolute success equates to an absolute failure.
Needless to say the people of Ohio, who Lebron had left for Miami, ruthlessly jumped on this event. The govenor of Ohio has apparently officially declared the day of game 5 to be Dallas Mavericks' Day.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sarah Palin's Paul Revere Flub
Can we please stop giving this woman attention. Seriously, she is the Paris Hilton of politics. There is no reason to be giving this level of recognition to Palin or any level of recognition for that matter.
She clearly has no idea what she is talking about. We already that she is incapable of distinguishing between South Korea (our ally) and North Korea (home to a psychopathic miniature dictator who has threatened us with nuclear warfare). Now she has a complete ignorance for our most common of American folklore.
It's getting embarassing. The thought that people actually gather to hear her voice her opinion on the most complex of domestic and global issues is disturbing. That she is allowed to voice her opinion at on such matters is outstanding; the only upside being that it speaks to the profound integrity of our institution of the first admendment.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Pink Panthers Arrests

You know how you watch a movie about an epic heist and marvel are the glamor and adventure of the lives of the career criminals the story centers around, while at the same time that annoying little voice of practicality in the back of your mind reminds you that it's only Hollywood.
Well not this time! This time the story of international jewel theives dodging around Europe pulling off jobs worth millions of dollars is real (allegedly).
A suspected member of the group, Bojan Vuckovic, a 24 year-old Serbian, was grabbed by Interpol authorities while trying to cross the Montenegro/Serbia border.
All in a whole the Pink Panther gang is believed to be behind a series of high value jewel thefts with an estimated total worth of $327 million (250 million euros). Other suspects have been arrested in Cyprus, Monaco, and France.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Tech Companies' Emerging IPO
The web-based, music-provider Pandora, a site that offers users the ability to create radio stations personally tailored to their tastes, recently announced that they would be taking the company public. In addition the internet area-coupon provider, Groupon, has announced it too will soon be making its IPO. These offers following the tremendous success with Linkedin, the professional social networking site, in issuing their IPO.
These recent events along with the potential yet unrealized partnership of Goldman Sachs and Facebook, if I have to explain what that is you should not be using the internet, to circumvent SEC restrictions and raise funds have many speculating about the raise of another tech boom. This is of course is accompanied by speculation that we may see similar circumstance as to the popping of the 90's tech bubble.
However one cannot deny that many things have changed with the internet since the 90's; advances have been dramatic. We have since a remarkable increase in spend. Many young users now a days will have no memory of the dial-up internet making its connection. With reduced inconvenience comes reduced frustration and increased acceptance. Along with this internet use has become increasingly mobile. Nearly every cell phone - which almost nearly everyone has - today has access to the internet. Internet use has become a stable of everyday life.
So, while nothing rises forever, it might be fair say that this emerges of tech boom is one that will be a little longer lived.
(IMPORTANT - I am in no way offering investment advice. If you are basing you investment decisions on my writing her, that would be completely negligent on your part)
These recent events along with the potential yet unrealized partnership of Goldman Sachs and Facebook, if I have to explain what that is you should not be using the internet, to circumvent SEC restrictions and raise funds have many speculating about the raise of another tech boom. This is of course is accompanied by speculation that we may see similar circumstance as to the popping of the 90's tech bubble.
However one cannot deny that many things have changed with the internet since the 90's; advances have been dramatic. We have since a remarkable increase in spend. Many young users now a days will have no memory of the dial-up internet making its connection. With reduced inconvenience comes reduced frustration and increased acceptance. Along with this internet use has become increasingly mobile. Nearly every cell phone - which almost nearly everyone has - today has access to the internet. Internet use has become a stable of everyday life.
So, while nothing rises forever, it might be fair say that this emerges of tech boom is one that will be a little longer lived.
(IMPORTANT - I am in no way offering investment advice. If you are basing you investment decisions on my writing her, that would be completely negligent on your part)
Friday, May 27, 2011
Drake Actuarial Science Song
Actuarial science is the EXTREMELY quantitative assessment of risk. Actuaries often work for insurance companies in order to take all of the qualitative factors of a person's life and then quantitate it into calculating the necessary premium on a policy to cover the companies risk and, unfortunately, actuarial students have a reputation for being very quiet and intraverted, so this is quite a phenomenal surprise. I mean this is really, really good!
Good job everyone! Clearly not only are you brilliant mathematicians, but this is remarkably creative. Great stuff!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Movie:The Tree of Life
I've saw this trailer a while back but didn't know what much to say about it, as much of the story's detail were kept rather secret, but recently it premiered in the Cannes Film Festival and was awarded the festival's highest honor, the Palme d'Or. The film actually evoked starchly varying response at the festival premiere receiving both boos and applause. However for the most part critical response has been overwhelmingly positive.
An official synopsis of the film's plot was released late last year at the American Film Market that puts it far better than anything I could:
We trace the evolution of an eleven-year-old boy in the Midwest, Jack, one of three brothers. At first all seems marvelous to the child. He sees as his mother does with the eyes of his soul. She represents the way of love and mercy, where the father tries to teach his son the world’s way of putting oneself first. Each parent contends for his allegiance, and Jack must reconcile their claims. The picture darkens as he has his first glimpses of sickness, suffering and death. The world, once a thing of glory, becomes a labyrinth.
Framing this story is that of adult Jack, a lost soul in a modern world, seeking to discover amid the changing scenes of time that which does not change: the eternal scheme of which we are a part. When he sees all that has gone into our world’s preparation, each thing appears a miracle—precious, incomparable. Jack, with his new understanding, is able to forgive his father and take his first steps on the path of life.
The story ends in hope, acknowledging the beauty and joy in all things, in the everyday and above all in the family—our first school—the only place that most of us learn the truth about the world and ourselves, or discover life’s single most important lesson, of unselfish love
Saturday, May 21, 2011
End of the World!!!
It's the last day of the world! Or at least so says the self-proclaimed prophet pastor Harold Camping of Family Radio Worldwide out of Oakland, CA. Based on mathematical calculations derived from his interpretations of the bible, the rapture is to occur today May 21, 2011. Although being 89 years old, Camping may have simply confused the end of the with the end of his world.
However Pastor Camping is certainly an opinion with some credibility. Afterall he has experience in the predicting the end of the world business. Initially Camping had set the end of the world for September 6, 1994. Now that may not have worked out entirely as planned, but according to Camping he conceeded he may have made a slight mathematical error. And who amongst us hasn't forgotten to carry the 2. Clearly second times a charm.
On an NPR broadcast one woman went so far as to drop out of medical school upon learning of Campings prediction, move with her husband to Florida to live with their small child, and budget all of their money so they would completely run out of money today. There's putting all of your chips on a table.
So should you start wondering where everyone has run off to or why no one is answering your calls. Have no worries. They've just been raptured off to pillowy heaven, while you've been left with the rest of us to a 100 years of torment and nashing of teeth. Well at least you'll have plenty of company.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Top Republican's Drop Out
The other day we saw the drop out of two of the top Republican prospects for 2012 candidacy. Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas announced at the very end of his Fox News show after jamming with Ted Nugent on bass for "Cat Scratch Fever" and an interview with America's Best Dance Crew host, Mario Lopez (very national-leadership-type-stuff) that he would not in fact be running for president.
Then Donald Trump, apparently after having his feelings hurt too badly at the White House Correspondence Dinner this year, announced at the NBC Upfronts fall 2011 launch at a New York hotel, "I will not be running for president as much as I'd like to." The Donald, always one to maintain his ego, was sure to add, "I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election," expressing the equivalent of that childhood classic: 'I could do that, I just don't want too.'
This is actually extremely unusual. The nomination of the Republican candidate has always been somewhat of a coronation; there was always a clear heir-to-be. John McCain had earned it after so many attemps. George W. Bush was son to a President. Bob Dole had it on the same merits as McCain. George H. W. Bush was VP to Reagan. Ronald Reagan had run up second behind Ford. Ford was Nixon's VP. Nixon was Eisenhower's VP, and Eisenhower won us WWII.
But this year it is very much up in the air especially with the fact that so few of those capable of stirring up a popularity have actually declared. The only individual topping the polls who has declared canidacy is Mitt Romney and he has the stigma of having enacted a government health-care program in Massachusetts that served as the inspiration for Obama-care, the GOP's main attacking point.
Newt Gringrich has declared he will be running but short people never do well in election (i.e. Lincoln vs. Douglas primary). The man is so lacking in physical charisma that it is remarkable that he has been able to obtain so many wives and mistresses over the years, which is going to be a difficult issue for him to handle with the GOP's growing social-conservative base.
Then Donald Trump, apparently after having his feelings hurt too badly at the White House Correspondence Dinner this year, announced at the NBC Upfronts fall 2011 launch at a New York hotel, "I will not be running for president as much as I'd like to." The Donald, always one to maintain his ego, was sure to add, "I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election," expressing the equivalent of that childhood classic: 'I could do that, I just don't want too.'
This is actually extremely unusual. The nomination of the Republican candidate has always been somewhat of a coronation; there was always a clear heir-to-be. John McCain had earned it after so many attemps. George W. Bush was son to a President. Bob Dole had it on the same merits as McCain. George H. W. Bush was VP to Reagan. Ronald Reagan had run up second behind Ford. Ford was Nixon's VP. Nixon was Eisenhower's VP, and Eisenhower won us WWII.
But this year it is very much up in the air especially with the fact that so few of those capable of stirring up a popularity have actually declared. The only individual topping the polls who has declared canidacy is Mitt Romney and he has the stigma of having enacted a government health-care program in Massachusetts that served as the inspiration for Obama-care, the GOP's main attacking point.
Newt Gringrich has declared he will be running but short people never do well in election (i.e. Lincoln vs. Douglas primary). The man is so lacking in physical charisma that it is remarkable that he has been able to obtain so many wives and mistresses over the years, which is going to be a difficult issue for him to handle with the GOP's growing social-conservative base.
Monday, May 16, 2011
President Maxwell Goes to Africa

As you may or may not have heard, the 65 of Drake's football team will be heading to Tanzania, Africa, here on May 21 to participate in the Kilimanjaro Bowl, the first ever sanctioned game of American football to be played in Africa.
As part of the trip, our fine president, President David Maxwell, will be joining the men on their trip. He will be providing a first hand capturing of the events via his blog: DU Peak Performance.
Be sure to check it out!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Art by WalMart

Here's something you didn't think you would see. Alice Walton, daughter of Walmart Founder Sam Walton, and head of the family's philanthropic arm, Walton Family Foundation, has donate $800 million to the construction and founding of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
The 217,000 square foot, glass and wood structure seen above was designed by Moshe Safdie. The museum will host a permanent collection of American work ranging from colonial to contemporary era. As of August 2008, the collection was said to $488 million in acquired assets. Based in Bentonville, Arkansas, the collection will include works by Edward Hopper, Winslow Homer, along with Charles Wilson Peale's famous portrait of George Washington. The Crystal Bridges will also be home to a very famous naturalist work, Kindered Spirits, by Asher Durand, which Ms. Walton reported purchased from the Amon Carter Museum of American Art for some $35 million.
Monday, May 2, 2011
They Got Him!
I woke up this morning to my radio alarm. A little groggy, half asleep/half awake. I thought I heard them say that Osama bin Ladan had been killed. Now I have some pretty bizarre and believable dreams, so I was initially unsure. Then they kept saying it and it was TRUE!!! This is so amazing! It has been almost 10 years since that bastard's devastating attack on 9/11. His horror and inhumanity is over!
According to reports, Navy Seals stormed a compound he was hiding out in with his family, a currier and his brother and family. The Seals fired upon and killed bin Ladan after he initiated the shooting. Just on a side, isn't it kind of bitch to find out this guy has been hiding out the whole time in the suburbs. We've been spending all this time searching for him in caves and hillsides, and he's been posting up on a couch with air conditioning watching Real Housewives of Organge County.
The body was reported as being buried at sea earlier this afternoon. The idea was to avoid creating some pilgrimage site for terrorists and lunatics to congregate to.
Top Linkedin Names of Success
The professional networking site, Linkedin, has released a review of members on the top names most correlated with success.
For men the names most likely correlated with being a CEO of a company are: Peter, Bob, Jack, Bruce, Fred. For women the top CEO names are: Deborah, Sally, Debra, Cynthia, Carolyn.
According to a doctor Dr. Frank Nuessel, men rely on short, easily pronounced, nickname names because it conveys a friendliness. For women the reliance on longer names is meant to convey a professionalism.
Now of course correlation is not the same as prediction. For the men, those are just really popular names. They just make up a large proportion of the population. It's not like one of them is really unique and 'oh, isn't it bizzare that this name that comes up so rarely so often happens to be the name of a CEO.'
The other thing for all those parents out there thinking about naming a newborn, as I'm sure there are so many that look to a college kid for parental advice, picking a successful name is not unlike picking a successful stock. If you pick what's popular and high on demand now, it may very well not be that way 30 years from now. I would think the best approach would be to just keep the general guidelines of Dr. Nuessel: short and friendly for boys and elegant and professional for girls.
For men the names most likely correlated with being a CEO of a company are: Peter, Bob, Jack, Bruce, Fred. For women the top CEO names are: Deborah, Sally, Debra, Cynthia, Carolyn.
According to a doctor Dr. Frank Nuessel, men rely on short, easily pronounced, nickname names because it conveys a friendliness. For women the reliance on longer names is meant to convey a professionalism.
Now of course correlation is not the same as prediction. For the men, those are just really popular names. They just make up a large proportion of the population. It's not like one of them is really unique and 'oh, isn't it bizzare that this name that comes up so rarely so often happens to be the name of a CEO.'
The other thing for all those parents out there thinking about naming a newborn, as I'm sure there are so many that look to a college kid for parental advice, picking a successful name is not unlike picking a successful stock. If you pick what's popular and high on demand now, it may very well not be that way 30 years from now. I would think the best approach would be to just keep the general guidelines of Dr. Nuessel: short and friendly for boys and elegant and professional for girls.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Movie: Exporting Raymond
The show Everybody Loves Raymond was a big hit during its run from 1996 to 2005 and it still have really great reception in its life as reruns. The show was so popular and with such universal appeal that geniuses above decided to adapt the concept for a Russian audience with Everybody Loves Kostya. The only issue is Russian have a very different view on humor; essentially they seem to have no sense of it.
What ensues in the documentary Exporting Raymond is the comedic telling of the show's creator, Phil Rosenthal, trying to bridge this cultural divide.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Movie: The Hangover 2
They're back! This time Stu, the dentist, is getting hitched. No, it's not to the stripper from Vegas, but at least it's not the really mean one who cheated on him with the cruise ship bar tender. No he's marrying that really pretty Asian women you see there. The whole group heads out to Bangkok for the wedding, so not only do they get screwed up, but they get super screwed up in a foreign, third world country.
It's the same plot framework pretty much. The lose Stu's future brother-in-law and have to unwind the bizarre sequence of events from the night before that lead them to what they've woken up to. The little Asian dude is back as you can see, but so is Mike Tyson too. Also this one has Paul Giamatti appearing in some undisclosed role.
Beautiful Bulldog Winner!

We have a winner! This beauty is Lucy Brown of Nancy Brown from Johnston, Iowa, and the winner of 32 annual Drake Relays Beautiful Bulldog Contest. I also think she may be the first female Beautiful Bulldog too, but don't quote me on that. In honor of her crowning, Queen Lucy will parade through the week's events as the official mascot of the 102 Drake Relays.
However, have no worries, because our beloved mascot, Porterhouse, will still remain our full time official Drake mascot for the University.
Monday, April 25, 2011
The Great Egg Drops

While Santa Claus is stuck toting around in his old fashion sleigh powered by reindeer and children's dreams, the Easter Bunny is fully embracing the 21st century. These days this rabbit is hopping around in big ol' helicopter.
Yes, apparently this is new thing for evangelical mega-churches. The rent a helicopter, fly up in the air, and scatter like 20,000 Easter eggs across a soccer field or some open green space. As a result, the events end up getting a HUGE turnout of kids. Some events have reported being overwhelmed with upwards of 20,000 screaming children all hyped-up on an Easter sugar high and psyched up for even more eggs.
Let's ignore the fact that the several thousands of dollars spent on these events could have been put to feeding and clothing some desparate souls or assisting in curing AIDS or any of the other things you would expect a moral, religious institution to do. It's all for the kids, right?
Season of Chicken Fights
'Tis the season of chicken fights. 'Tis the season that two parties plow towards some mutually destructive doom all the while entirely relying on the other party to be first to give up first succumbing to the first's demands. Why 'tis this the season? No real reason. It's not even an annual occurence really. And yet we, the general public, find ourselves the betting chips of major, battling institutions.
Two instances come most to mind for this season. The first between the NFL and NFL Players Association stand to risk our millions of fans' primary source of entertainment through cold, midwestern falls and winters and ruin Steve-from-Accounting's chance to implete his new, fail-safe strategy for Fantasy Football. The second and significantly more important in theory - allbeit not in practice according to some - is the debate between the Congressional parties to raise the debt ceiling.
The debate is between a radical, unyeilding ideology and a practical application of principles. The Republican party, lead most loudly by the newly popularized Tea Party subsect, has chosen to adhere to one of the most literal and hardlined of its ideologies of slashing spending without raising taxes and does so, to some degree, at the detriment of its core contingencies.
The Grand Old Party has historically been the party of the grand and the old. Now I'm sure the growing uber-rich are much appreciative of Republicans preventing tax rates from returning to levels of the Clinton administration (levels under which our country had a budget surplus), but playing around with the idea of not raising the debt ceiling is serious.
By July of this year country's deficit will exceed the current debt limit. If Congress passes legislation that places the ceiling at a higher amount, we will be fine. If this simple technicality is not carried out, American will official default on its debt, ruining our solvent credit rating, toppling us from our perch of number 1. It would DESTROY our economy, and Wall Street will be pissed. 'The tax breaks were fine, but cut the shit. You're screwing with our livlihood,' some would presumably be thinking.
The main contention of Tea Partiest is that to raise the debt ceiling would be to accept outlandish government spending and everything they fight against. Instead Rep Paul Ryan (WI,R) has proposed a plan that would strip Medicare from the system. What Ryan has forgotten is screwing with Medicare is exactly what Republicans accused Democrats of doing with ObamaCare in order to frighten senior citizens into voting for people like him. In fact as many economist have pointed out that, while the taxpayer would less under Ryan's plan, the average American would actually pay more for health care as private insurance is often priced higher.
Obviously there is a problem with the Medicare system. It was been a dramatically growing portion of our budget over the past couple decades, but we can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The is a difference is committing to one's principles in adaptation to the world's challenges and adhering to a hardline ideology in an all-or-nothing game.
Two instances come most to mind for this season. The first between the NFL and NFL Players Association stand to risk our millions of fans' primary source of entertainment through cold, midwestern falls and winters and ruin Steve-from-Accounting's chance to implete his new, fail-safe strategy for Fantasy Football. The second and significantly more important in theory - allbeit not in practice according to some - is the debate between the Congressional parties to raise the debt ceiling.
The debate is between a radical, unyeilding ideology and a practical application of principles. The Republican party, lead most loudly by the newly popularized Tea Party subsect, has chosen to adhere to one of the most literal and hardlined of its ideologies of slashing spending without raising taxes and does so, to some degree, at the detriment of its core contingencies.
The Grand Old Party has historically been the party of the grand and the old. Now I'm sure the growing uber-rich are much appreciative of Republicans preventing tax rates from returning to levels of the Clinton administration (levels under which our country had a budget surplus), but playing around with the idea of not raising the debt ceiling is serious.
By July of this year country's deficit will exceed the current debt limit. If Congress passes legislation that places the ceiling at a higher amount, we will be fine. If this simple technicality is not carried out, American will official default on its debt, ruining our solvent credit rating, toppling us from our perch of number 1. It would DESTROY our economy, and Wall Street will be pissed. 'The tax breaks were fine, but cut the shit. You're screwing with our livlihood,' some would presumably be thinking.
The main contention of Tea Partiest is that to raise the debt ceiling would be to accept outlandish government spending and everything they fight against. Instead Rep Paul Ryan (WI,R) has proposed a plan that would strip Medicare from the system. What Ryan has forgotten is screwing with Medicare is exactly what Republicans accused Democrats of doing with ObamaCare in order to frighten senior citizens into voting for people like him. In fact as many economist have pointed out that, while the taxpayer would less under Ryan's plan, the average American would actually pay more for health care as private insurance is often priced higher.
Obviously there is a problem with the Medicare system. It was been a dramatically growing portion of our budget over the past couple decades, but we can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The is a difference is committing to one's principles in adaptation to the world's challenges and adhering to a hardline ideology in an all-or-nothing game.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Royal Wedding Pizza

Want to celebrate the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton but have absolutely no way of getting to England let alone by passing the security there? Do you also have that all too American craving for something tasty yet delivered quickly. No worries, because with Pappa John's new Royal Wedding Pizza you can satisfy all those needs.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Another Hit to the Economy

The market took a real hit today due in large part to the decision of Standard Poor's to lower its rating on the US's long-term debt credit rating. As a result everyone flipped out into a huge tissy panic and the dow just plummeted.
And the whole reason S&P gave for the change has to do with all the stupid political bickering and BS all those people keep on the hill keep carrying on with and how it just seems to be happening at the expense of the economy. Nikola Swaan, an analysit with S&P credit, was quoted, "The outlook reflects our view of the increased risk that the political negotiations over when and how to address both the medium- and long-term fiscal challenges will persist until at least after national elections in 2012."
On the bright side it should be said that the US maintained it's 'AAA/A-1+' for sovereign debt. It is just the long-term debt rating that was lowered from 'stable' to 'negative.' The UK, also a AAA, had the same thing happen in 2009 and was able to get it restored. However this only happened after their government had agreed upon and begun to implement an austerity plan to reduce the country's deficit.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Trump 2012

There has been a lot of speculation about who would face Obama in 2012 for the Republican party. There have been several individuals tip-toeing around the subject but none really to commit. The issue seems that many of them just fail to measure up. They all seem to be on the extreme, extreme of the political spectrum and many of them have plenty of skeletons in closets. This coupled with the fact that several are television figures gives this cartoonish impression to all the potential to-be's.
There is one individual in the running -- or prerunning running -- who captures all of the ridiculous aspects of the others and more: Donald Trump. Ironically, he is also leading in the polls as the public's preference for Republican nominee. REALLY!?!? Has the Grand Old Party really come to this?
And I mean it's not just the hair; that's a cheap shot. It's that the Donald is the epitome of absurd magalomania; he calls himself "the Donald". Why does he feel a need to so tastelessly merchandise his name? Compensating for something, are we? And does he deserve this outlandish ego? Of course not. He's not a self-made business man; everything he has he got from Daddy. He's not even a good business man; he has filed for bankruptcy on several occasions.
I just think, as a rule, you should not have the leader of the free world be a person who has been roasted by Comedy Central, as if the reality show were not indicater enough.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Governator: He's Back
Really dude? You were washed in the legitimacy of public office, and now you can't just step out of the spot light with some class. You have literally reduced yourself to a cartoon character. I mean you weren't the most amazing politician in our history, but eight years is a pretty good run. You ended with California in a fairly awful financial condition, but that was the case before hand and the downturn didn't help. You had your scandals of philandering, but sadly that's kind of par for politicians just ask your wife, Maria Shriver.
And who the hell are those kids you have locked in the basement there. This is just all too bizarre. It's like some goofy Batman/Ironman knockoff.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
2nd Annual Drake Finance Week

This is an event I put on annually for Investment Club. I really like the line up we have this year.
"The GOLDen Age"
Spencer Johnson - FC Stone
March 28, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, Olmstead 310
In the trama of the recent recession, investors around the world ran towards gold for security. The price of gold has sky rocketed with seemingly no end. Finacial pundits acclaim its investment potential, and politicians have begun serious conversations about the gold standard. But, why gold? It has clearly become a serious asset class, but what is it that draws us so to this shiny metal?
"Money: More than Paper in your Pocket"
March 29, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, Olmstead 310
After the crash, television pundits kept saying the global supply of money had significantly decreased. But what does that mean? Did someone light a pile of dollar bills on fire? Well, no, but it does raise question about what money actually is. When we think about how often do we actual handle cash and how often are our transactions handled by the electronic exchange of theoretical numbers.
"The Road Ahead: Future of the Financial Industry"
Michael Bean - Merrill Lynch
March 30, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, Olmstead 310
Our world economy has experienced dramatic changes in the recent past years, and it has radically changed the global financial industry. With so much that has been altered in the regulation of financial institutions and the way they carry out their practice, what can we expect off in the horizon? Here we explore the what lies on the road ahead on this new journey we travel through.
"Where Did the Jobs Go?"
Robert "Skeet" Wootten - Wells Fargo Advisors
March 31, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, Meredith 235
While Wall Street seems to be making a substantial recovery and banks are seeing record profits, unemployment remains at a horrific high. Is it simply a matter of playing the waiting game, or is the reality that many of the jobs that have been lost will not be returning? Is unemployment a lagging factor of the recession, or is our society just not qualified for the jobs that are available?
"Finance Speed Networking"
Open to Finance Majors. Email james.hall@drake.edu for Signup
April 1, 10:00am - 11:30am, Aliber Hall
With the financial industry begin so large and extensive, this event allows students the opportunity to establish guiding relationships with experienced individuals in all facets of the industry, as they seek to navigate the direction of their career path.
"Money in Your Twenties"
Adam Carroll - National Financial Educators
April 1, 2:00pm - 3:30pm, Bulldog Theater
Financial independence is a goal to begin pursuing early. Those with the headstart find greater reward at the finish line. Adam Carroll, nationally recognized public speaker and author of Winning the Money Game, caps off Finance Week by offering innovative and practical strategies for students to begin right away in their pursuit of financial independence.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
NPR Scandal
I have posted here the full version of Mr. James O'Keefe's video aimed to smear the credibility of NPR, because the more popular 11:38 video, which has received 1200% more views, has been distorted and edited to the point of libel by Mr. O'Keefe.
This should come as to no surprise as Mr. O'Keefe has a record of manipulating video tape to slander institutions viewed as left-leaning. The tapes of his supposed video sting against Acorn were deemed by prosecutors in California as "badly distorted." In May of 2010, O'Keefe was convicted of a misdemeanor after attempting to do the same to Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA).
Just some of the red flags that pop up are in the very beginning have to do with O'Keefe's opening introduction in describing the fake Muslim organization. He states that the website describe's the organization's mission as spread the acceptance of Shia. In the shorter version this is edited with a clip of the NPR executive laughing, "Is that what they said." This was taking out of context from a completely unrelated point in the conversation. This is red flag that Mr. O'Keefe is positioning clips to intentionally create an impression on the audience instead of allowing for unbiased, factual journalism. The big issue is O'Keefe edited the video to make it seem that the NPR executive would do anything to advocate the Muslim voice, but in the extended version you do not hear Ron Schiller immediately tell the men that donors cannot expect to influence news coverage because of a firewall protecting the news room.
NPR is biased. I'll say it, but we are talking mole hills and mountains here. Every news is biased; it's just a result of the human condition. But if you compare the bias of institutions like Fox or MSNBC with NPR then we're not even talking in the same stratasphere. It'd be like equating one of those freakishly giant carnival pumpkins with a grape tomato. The truth is NPR news coverage is the closest thing out there to purely factual news. On the news shows there is no opinion offered up on biasing descriptions, it is purely facts delivered at deadpan.
If You Hate on Kansas, You Hate on America

BOOM! KU did it! They whooped up on Richmond, and now they are the only top-tier team to move onto the Elite 8!
For all you nay-sayers out there hating on an amazing powerhouse like Kansas, you seriously need to check this artical out below, because you may very well, although misguidely, be killing the American spirit. Yes, as Mr. Stevens clearly points out, to cheer against KU is to cheer in support slavery and racism, and against the very institution of basketball itself. You're basically making Lady Liberty cry by not supporting the Jayhawks.
(Seriously it's a pretty funny, tongue-in-cheek article)
March Madness: If You Root Against Kansas, You Root Against America - Hampton Stevens - Culture - The Atlantic
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Move: Win Win
Now by their own admission, this is no Vision Quest, but it looks pretty damn good. I was a 119, but I was no where near as good this kid. Watching these moves is amazing. In that level of performance, it's not about strength really, I mean it's still a factor, but with these the defining aspect is controlled momentum. When he slips under an opponent and tosses them over his shoulder, he's waited until the opponent pushes weight into him. He's using the opponent's own force against him. It's really hard to develop that heightened level of sense.
Anyway about the movie, Giamatti's life, as you can see, is swirling around the toilet bowl in mid-life turmoil, when he begins extorting money from an elder, ignorant client. The boy is the client's grandson who arrives to escape a terrible life with his druggy mother. The boy starts kick ass on the wrestling team Giamatti coaches giving him a new lease on life, which ultimately creates conflict for Giamatti in stealing from the grandfather and caring for the grandson. Kind of an old framework and I'm sure you could have picked all of that up from the trailer. One thing I would point out that is shown but not explained there is the hitting thing. Apparently the kid's amazing wrestling ability comes from having grownup in an abusive and violent homelife, and the smack on the head gets him in mode so to speak.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Theater: How to Succeed in Business... // The Book of Mormon
I have two upcomers for this. One unremarkably stupid and an insult to a classic work of art. The other remarkably innovative and equally brilliant.

Daniel Radcliff is NOT a good actor! He's not! Stop it. Everyone likes Harry Potter, but that does not change the fact that he is a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE actor who in no way deserves the acclaim he has received. The only thing he has going for him is that he has the same nerdy, doofusie look of the lead character of a book series that captured the imaginations basic every child in the world.
To allow him to desecrate a role like J. Peirreport Finch is not only terriblely stupid but is to act with complete negligence and disregard for the integrity of a classic work like How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Rob Ashford, you are a freakin' moron! Go to hell. I pray this show and its cast go the same route as the Spiderman show. Break a leg Radcliff; seriously.

The Book of Mormon is a religious satire musical written by tony-award winner, Robert Lopez (Avenue Q) and Trey Parker and Matt Stone, co-creators of South Park. The play centers around two young Mormon men venturing out into the world on a mission trip in Uganda.
Now I can understand the immediate reaction to hearing that the men behind a show as crass and inappropriate as South Park are adding their spark to Broadway might be that the culture is heading in a handbasket to hell where Satan and Sadaam Hussien are gay lovers sharing a condo by the lake of fire. In fact, Vogue Magazine described the show as, "the filthiest, most offensive," but, "and—surprise—sweetest thing you’ll see on Broadway this year, and quite possibly the funniest musical ever."
This is a new classic in the making. The New York Post noted audiences in rehearsals were "sore from laughing so hard" and describe the show as "tuneful and very funny" adding "the show has heart."
What's more, even though this is humor in the heart of South Park, Parker and Stone have tastefully addressed the commentary on Mormonism. This is in no way an unrelenting bash on the Church of Later Day Saints. The NY Post remarked in their reveiw that, "It makes fun of organized religion, but the two Mormons are real people, not caricatures." Even the response amongst Mormons has been quite tempered. In the Church's official response, they state, "The production may attempt to entertain audiences for an evening, but the Book of Mormon as a volume of scripture will change people's lives forever by bringing them closer to Christ."

Daniel Radcliff is NOT a good actor! He's not! Stop it. Everyone likes Harry Potter, but that does not change the fact that he is a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE actor who in no way deserves the acclaim he has received. The only thing he has going for him is that he has the same nerdy, doofusie look of the lead character of a book series that captured the imaginations basic every child in the world.
To allow him to desecrate a role like J. Peirreport Finch is not only terriblely stupid but is to act with complete negligence and disregard for the integrity of a classic work like How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Rob Ashford, you are a freakin' moron! Go to hell. I pray this show and its cast go the same route as the Spiderman show. Break a leg Radcliff; seriously.

The Book of Mormon is a religious satire musical written by tony-award winner, Robert Lopez (Avenue Q) and Trey Parker and Matt Stone, co-creators of South Park. The play centers around two young Mormon men venturing out into the world on a mission trip in Uganda.
Now I can understand the immediate reaction to hearing that the men behind a show as crass and inappropriate as South Park are adding their spark to Broadway might be that the culture is heading in a handbasket to hell where Satan and Sadaam Hussien are gay lovers sharing a condo by the lake of fire. In fact, Vogue Magazine described the show as, "the filthiest, most offensive," but, "and—surprise—sweetest thing you’ll see on Broadway this year, and quite possibly the funniest musical ever."
This is a new classic in the making. The New York Post noted audiences in rehearsals were "sore from laughing so hard" and describe the show as "tuneful and very funny" adding "the show has heart."
What's more, even though this is humor in the heart of South Park, Parker and Stone have tastefully addressed the commentary on Mormonism. This is in no way an unrelenting bash on the Church of Later Day Saints. The NY Post remarked in their reveiw that, "It makes fun of organized religion, but the two Mormons are real people, not caricatures." Even the response amongst Mormons has been quite tempered. In the Church's official response, they state, "The production may attempt to entertain audiences for an evening, but the Book of Mormon as a volume of scripture will change people's lives forever by bringing them closer to Christ."
Monday, March 14, 2011
Movie: Sunset Limited
Now I'm late in recognizing this, but I'm home on Spring Break and finally able to watch it on my parent's HBO. Sunset Limited is Cormac McCarthy's second play (author of the novels No Country for Old Men and All the Pretty Horses) and was first produced in Chicago during the spring of 2006. More recently it was adapted as an HBO production starring Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L. Jackson.
The story centers around two unnamed characters in a rundown, single-room apartment only identified as Black and White based on their respective races. White is a college professor about to end himself and Black, a janitor, stops him from carrying it through and takes him back to Black's apartment. The overwhelming bulk centers around the two debating the existence of God and the general morality of the world.
McCormac's writing is enthralling and the complexity with which the conversation unravels is brilliant. What I will take against the work is the characters are terribly outdated, racist archetypes. Their protrayal here could not be legitimately called racist; that would not be fair, but the origins of these archetypes are founded in some really racist protrayals. Black is the cliche African-American savior; simple-minded at the surface yet possesses the deep insightful ability to see through the bull-shit we tack on in order to see the truth. This has been continued and repeated and up to the recent (Bagger Vance, Morgan Freeman in basically all of his roles), but this can be seen as far back as the Mammy from Holiday Inn.
On the flip the White has surrounded himself in his intellect in order to rationalize his pain and build up fortress walls of knowledge to protect against his internal struggles. While he is on the surface an educated man, internally he is lost and looking; unable to see above the forest trees for the light.
The issue is that in these archetypes the audience actually attributes more to the white character. In this dynamic, only the white character is fully developed enough; is complex enough to question, to search, to yearn, to struggle. Human development and growth is founded on internal struggle and when the author reduces a character to an Uncle Tom with all of the answers he denies that character the opportunity to overcome struggle and grow, he denies the character the opportunity to be human.
This is the traditional protrayal of these archetypes, but, while McCormac utilizes the basic archetypes, he takes a rather unorthodox turn with them. Because this is a work of McCormac, the ultimate revelation is not one of hope and renewed faith but of nihilist despair. In the end, Black does not persuade White to God or guide him through the turmoil to the light. No, in the end it is White who succeeds in rattling Black's faith. The force of White's elaquently arranged closing arguements seem to have an even physical blow to Black from which he is unable to find the words to recover. It is interesting to see Black's archetype quiver from his characteristic assurance. In the closing Black offers up a Job-like plead to God asking, "Why couldn't you of given me the words? You gave 'em to him." He's desperation is even more impactful by the lack of return. Just a man shouting to the ceiling with nothing to hear.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Muhammad Yunus Expelled

Muhammad Yunus is the man who made the whole idea of MicroFinance a reality. For that he was renowned for extending millions of people well below the poverty line the ability to establish creditworthiness and move towards financial independence. In 2006 he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work.
Now the Bangladesh government is forcing him out from his position as the head of the Grameen Bank, the bank he founded. The other day Bangladesh's High Court official removed Mr. Yunus on the grounds of some flimsy legal violations and a BS age limitation on the position. Mr. Yunus and his legal team are appealling the decision.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Iowa KofC College Convention

This weekend we all had the Iowa Knights of Columbus College Convention and it was a blast! Three gentlemen and I headed up to represent Drake and made sure it was a good time.
The whole thing was held at UNI and was put on so beautifully. Keep in mind this is a bunch of college students coordinating this whole thing on top of jobs and schoolwork. There was a registration table and pamphlets and materials and goodie bags and at the end of the whole thing all of the presenters slides were given out on zip drives.
The whole thing was planned back to back with events and arranged in a way that broke up the pass at all the right moments and kept a perfect balance of spiritual growth and partying. I know not a combination most would think should go together, but we're Catholics not radical, Tea party, fundamentalist loons. You can be a good person and have more fun than playing Apples-to-Apples on a Saturday night.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
James Franco is Bombing
Seriously, I'm sitting here watching the Oscars, and he is just doing an awful job. Anne Hathaway is kicking his ass and completely overshadowing the guy. He just posts up like this block, facing forward reading off the projector with little emotion, while Hathaway is having the time of her life. She's dancing around, smiling spontaneously, making jokes on adlib.
Franco just doesn't seem like he's having fun. I know he's probably very nervous about the nomination, but - I mean honestly - he's not going to get it. Colin Firth has swepped all the awards leading up to this. The only dark horse who really has a chance of contending is Javier Bardem. He's the only one new to the race.
Franco just doesn't seem like he's having fun. I know he's probably very nervous about the nomination, but - I mean honestly - he's not going to get it. Colin Firth has swepped all the awards leading up to this. The only dark horse who really has a chance of contending is Javier Bardem. He's the only one new to the race.
Friday, February 25, 2011
The Brix: Cupid Who?
I have to call this before they get too famous, and I'll only ever then get to see them on tv. Okay first off, the singer in this belting it out like he's Bruno Mars (except way better) is Charlie Davis (CHUCK D), a senior Biochemical, Cellular and Molecular Biology major (yeah, he's smart) right here at Drake University. FURTHERMORE, I grew up with all three of them right out of S-Town Salina, KS.
If there are any music producers that check out this blog, these are the guys you need to be signing before they ride Youtube all the way to the top Justin Beiber style and you can't even get ahold of them.
Okay I realize the chance of some big shot music producer hanging on my every word, regularly frequenting this blog, waiting to see when I post next or even them just stumbling across it on some late night Google pass through is pretty slim. BUT! Should that happen, you sir (or ma'am) should seriously get these guys a $Ga-Zillion contact and fast!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Rick Santorum's "Google Problem"

HAHAHA! Google this "santorum". I'll explain it later, but seriously just go google that (Except you Mom and Dad. DO NOT follow that instruction, just skip to the explaination below). Here I'll even make it easy and offer the link to the google first page Google Santorum
Okay did you google that .... HAHAHAHA! Disgusting right!?! Now this is no ordinary, unfortunate, double entendre of name like Marcus Butts, Jordan Dykes, or Jeff Faggot (those last two are actually real). What happened was conservative Senator Rick Santorum was quoted as equating gay sex to a man having sex with a dog. In retort, Dan Savage, an acclaimed California sex-columnist amongst many things and regular contributor the PRI radio series This American Life, which, on a completely unrelated plug, is the most amazing work of journalism and entertainment out there, lead a grass roots campaign amongst his listeners to create the leading internet definition of Senator Santorum to be the disgusting, crass, vile thing you saw there (Mom I know it's getting really tempting to find out what that is, but DON'T)
What is worse is Senator Santorum made the matter more public by complaining about the whole issue as his "Google Problem." Now, everyone start's wondering, 'Well what Google problem? I better Google his name to find out.' And the whole thing just perpetuates itself further.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
LIU: Closing Session

We finished our last season of Leadership Iowa University this weekend. We ventured out to Waterloo, IA, this go around and got to stay in the very nice Isle Casino Hotel. Of course with March 8th having not yet come and gone, I was only able to enjoy the Hotel part of that title, but it worked out. Those who did play just walked away really pissed about losing money at Black Jack.
Having gone through this whole thing, I have to say it an amazing program to experience in college. The program is pretty small as far as the number of kids they take in, but because of that they really take vested interest in getting you everything you need to succeed in your career. The networking and professional opportunities are amazing, but even more so, the whole experience really opens you up beyond your campus bubble. Often with college you are kind of isolated just to the world of your campus and the people there. With this meet kids from all over the state of all different studies and backgrounds.
If you are college student in Iowa or someone about to enter into their studies in Iowa, then this is definitely a program to get involved with.
Apply Today
Gym Replace Church?

There has been a significant decline in the number of people attending sunday service over the years along with a significant up tick in the number of people signing up for gym memberships. What's more, the direction in which gym's are going with their format is changing. Gym's are no longer a large room with weights and machines with individual's aimlessly passing by one another. With the new emphasis on the classroom setting, it is becoming a community. Should these patterns continue we may very well see the gym developing into a societal institution that rivals the church.
The idea that such a thing could occur might seem quite unimaginable. The church has existed as a major institution since the conceptual development of a society. Gyms are only a recent phenomenon of the last couple hundred years or so. But so much of the defining aspects of the church are now being seen in the gym. In both the idea of self-restain and discipline, these are tempered with the idea of some tremendous reward down the road and internal well-being; suffer now, perfection later. The church aims to purify its followers of sin; the gym purifies of toxins. At the head of the room there is an instructer/priest, who through his intense training and study has reached a level beyond the parishioners and devoted himself to leading them towards a similar level, although they will likely never achieve it.
With all of these new programs, Yoga, Zumba, Kosama, Crossfit, you hear practioners speak of it as not just being a workout, but "a lifestyle." They may go so far as to even calling it "a religion," and they do attend it religiously. Many of these exercises, though, claim to actually be founded in some, usually Eastern-based religious. In fact, with many Eastern religions, more specifically the various Budhist disciplines, a form of exercise was used to compliment religious study; training both the body and mind.
What does this mean. While the gym is able to substitute much of the superficial aspects of the church, it lacks the deeper offerings. The promise of Jesus abs, is not the same as Jesus's eternal love. However, at the same time, many are no longer finding truth in those deeper promises. The church can offer something more than any other earthly institution can, but does it always? There is no denying that the church has failed its members many times throughout history. The idea of some higher reward that can never be had or seen or known while on this plane can be terribly frustating. There is comfort in seeing the tangible rewards of exercise, but once that perfect body has been achieved, what do you have? Are you necessarily any happier once you have achieved that physical peak? Perhaps there is something to have a goal that is forever just beyond your reach; room to always grow and move beyond.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Movie: Take Me Home Tonight
Topher Grace is really great; like a young Matthew Perry only more self-deprecating; not in a pathetic way, but in a way that makes him more likeable and less of an asshole. One of the comments on the Youtube page was pretty good: "dude who was made a star by being in a tv show about the 70s is starring in a movie about the 80s."
Then you have Dan Fogler complimenting him. Fogler is a fat, load funny type, but still keeps from relying too heavily on these to the point of being overly obnoxiously and crass i.e. Jack Black.
These highschool redemption, party of the century, all night long suburban odyssey movies usually work out pretty well. Most recent example would be something like Super Bad.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Man vs. Emmenecker

I was challenged to eat that. All 70,000 Calories of it. I feel absolutely disgusting right now. SOOO much grease, and meats, and cheese. Aghh ... my head hurts. I did not finish, but I beat the guy who challenged me.
The Knights of Columbus from UNI came down for the basketball game (which we also won I might add). The Grand Knight, Paul Lee, from the UNI council contacted me before hand and challenged me to this grease mound. The guy's got 50 lbs. on me but I whooped him! Dude totally puked. Some people just can't handel it. Honestly though I wish I could puke. I need to get this crap out of me.
Movie: Cedar Rapids
This is just silly. There's nothing high brow or intellectual I'm going to make out it. It is just ... silly. It reminds me Little Miss Sunshine or something of that genre. It is just good silly fun.
Now there are many ways for silly to go sour. It can become too safe and soft and overall candy-assed, or it can be overly crass dropping the brow as low as it can reach. When you have that right balance you liberate the audience. They don't restricted by puritan morals or forced into anything that leaves them feeling dirty and unnerved.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Just Started CrossFit
I did it. I went and drank the KoolAide.
For those of you who don't follow this regularly (basically everyone but my mom), CrossFit is a workout program - hell, it's more of a workout religion if anything - wherein you work to build applicable strength. By that I mean you perform exercises that strengthen your muscles in a manner that would be translatable into everyday movement. Think about it this way: you get in a fight; what are you going to do, benchpress the guy?
Today we did a workout called "Fran," and it KICKED my ASS; dear gawd. You're timed and you have to do a set of 21 squat-thrusts then run over and do 21 pullups, then sets of 15, then sets of 9. I got 5:48, which I'm told is a good time. But not to get down on myself, only to keep things in perspective, they had me do 60lbs for the squat-thrust. The whole thing's about measured improvement, so coming soon I'll be able to say that time or lower with a more respectable weight.
For those of you who don't follow this regularly (basically everyone but my mom), CrossFit is a workout program - hell, it's more of a workout religion if anything - wherein you work to build applicable strength. By that I mean you perform exercises that strengthen your muscles in a manner that would be translatable into everyday movement. Think about it this way: you get in a fight; what are you going to do, benchpress the guy?
Today we did a workout called "Fran," and it KICKED my ASS; dear gawd. You're timed and you have to do a set of 21 squat-thrusts then run over and do 21 pullups, then sets of 15, then sets of 9. I got 5:48, which I'm told is a good time. But not to get down on myself, only to keep things in perspective, they had me do 60lbs for the squat-thrust. The whole thing's about measured improvement, so coming soon I'll be able to say that time or lower with a more respectable weight.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Leadership Iowa University - Mentor
I was able to meet with my LIU mentor, Joe Pietruszynski, the other day. He is the Vice President of Development for Hubbell Realty. With such a prominent corporate position, I was surprised to see such a young face. He must have been only in his 30's, and yet it was remarkable to hear all that he had accomplished. His education background is in engineering, and it was his large suggestion that if I hope to enter into development that I do the same. I was sort of afraid that would be his advice. Drake doesn't have an Engineering department, which has been somewhat of a contentious point for me. Everyone of my close, male friends from high school entered into engineering in some form, and an absence of any gear-head presence around me has been slightly unusual.
People say that you should pursue your dream no matter what and with that might argue I should start shopping around for a new school that would cover my major. But those people also usually have the comfort of not seeing money as a factor and would be okay with the idea of spending tens of thousands of dollars on half an education only to go off and spend tens of thousands more on a new one. Something people also say that I prefer is that it really doesn't matter what you majored in in college. I may not be a construction expert at this point in my life, but an Accounting major has given me ability to analysis equity and assess the cost of major project like the construction of a development. So that's got to be a start.
People say that you should pursue your dream no matter what and with that might argue I should start shopping around for a new school that would cover my major. But those people also usually have the comfort of not seeing money as a factor and would be okay with the idea of spending tens of thousands of dollars on half an education only to go off and spend tens of thousands more on a new one. Something people also say that I prefer is that it really doesn't matter what you majored in in college. I may not be a construction expert at this point in my life, but an Accounting major has given me ability to analysis equity and assess the cost of major project like the construction of a development. So that's got to be a start.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Everyone's Coming Back!
Finally everyone is coming back. I have been here since the 2nd to start a new job at Mass Mutual and it has been dead. I mean creepy dead; abandoned amusement park dead. In fact that is almost exactly what it is like. All of the buildings and infrastructure and teachers and staff are here, but the whole scene is completely absent of students. It's like going to Disney Land if all of the rides and animatronics are running and the performers are there, but there are no guests. It's creepy.
But now everyone is returning, and there are people walking across campus and cars in the parking lots. The level of activity and life needed to substantiate the size of this whole deal is finally returning.
But now everyone is returning, and there are people walking across campus and cars in the parking lots. The level of activity and life needed to substantiate the size of this whole deal is finally returning.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Obama Addresses Tucson, AR, Memorial
I have been alive for 4 presidents. From 1990-92, George H. W. Bush was finishing up in the White House, but I was hardly conscious of such things. Then came the Clinton years, but honestly who follows politics on a comprehensive level while attending grade school. All in all things went very well during the booming Clinton 90's, and, apart from the Lewinsky scandal, there weren't any real hiccups, so what's there to stand out.
Then came Bush Jr., and he was just awful. Seriously, just everything he touched turned to shit, and this is not a petty distinction based on party affiliation. Republican, Democratic, Green Party, Anarchist doesn't matter, you cannot deny that this seriously, seriously screwed this country over with a significant detriment. There is not one thing left of his legacy that will go down in history as a good idea.
So, I cannot begin to explain what a relief it is to see a President so charismatically, articulately, and bipartisanly address the nation in a time of great tragedy. Obama is not exploiting the horror of the occasion to pass some legislation that violates our civil rights or morph it into propaganda for an unconscionable war. All he is asking is for us to be better people; to quit all the fighting and bullshit and come together for something better.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Movie: Blue Valentine
I first heard about this as it was about to enter the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and receiving so much acclaim. Both the leads, Ryan Gosling and Michele Williams, have already been nominated for Glode Globes in their respective roles.
I also just really like a good ukulele.
Usher Ripped Off Homer
This is hilarious. Okay, rap does a lot of sampling from other music, but this is almost flagrant copy write violation. This is kind of big deal actually. That has got to be a huge hit to one's reputation to be stealing your beats from Homer Simpson.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Movie: Biutiful
You want to talk about a transformative actor, talk about Javier Bardem. I can just remember hearing from girls who had seen No Country For Old Men how creepy he was just in the way he look; just his overall appearance sent shivers down the spine. Then, less than a year later, they see him in Vicky Cristina Barcelona and it's all about how hansome and swarthy he is.
Then look at him here. He's a completely separate human being from in each of those performances. This one though is supposed to be a last minute game stealing for the big Oscar grab. Bradem plays a small time criminal and father of two in Barcelona who's delicately maintain lifestyle just starts to unravel and ultimately fall to when he discovers he is inflicted with a terminal illness. Very is just hanging by a string. There is already the perpetual stress of just managing to scrap by when he is the only one able to care for the others in his life, and then this major distruption he is completely unable to handle. It all just slips away from him into chaos.
Movie: The Mechanic
I just like hitman movies. I don't know if this one is going to be any good. I mean it's definitely not any in running for any serious awards, but the cast is pretty good as far action flicks go.
Jason Statham, come on. The guy's as bad assed as there is out there. Honestly when the film adaptation of the video game series Hitman came out, I was completely blaffled that they didn't choose him to play Agent 47. He looks like 47, sounds like 47, and is the perfect typecast for the role. Timothy Olyphant is a great actor, sure, but he just really fit in that role.
Then you have Ben Foster teaming up alongside Statham, who is, to be honest, one of the most underrated actors of today. IMBd lists him 8th on their list of 150 Best Living Actors, but for the most part he has yet to receive the roles his performances deserve.
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